Sensors in Mobile Phone Market - Flourish Due to Rising Penetration of Smart Phones
Technological inventions in electronic equipment has increased at a fast pace. Sensors are one such innovation that plays a vital role in the mobile industry. Sensors are the components which measure a physical or environmental quantity and convert it into a signal. Various types of sensors are embedded in mobile phones.
The combination of sensors and mobile phones leads to the development of sensor technology which is likely to revolutionize a large number of business sectors. The introduction of smart sensors in smartphones results in an advance computing platform as well as richer functionalities for the smartphones.
Sensors in mobile phones offer numerous opportunities for countries that are expected to invest in developing new technological features in the mobile industry. It is anticipated that various vendors are popularizing the use of sensors in order to develop interactive applications and games across operating systems such as Android OS, iOS, and Windows.
Several mobile phone manufacturers are focusing on integrating various types of sensors in phones to extend the functional capabilities and features of phones. The embedding of sensors in mobile phones transforms the ordinary mobile phone into a smartphone.
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